6 steps to teach you how to solve dogs hate dog collars

Dogs are lively and active animals. Going for a walk is not only beneficial to the dog’s physical and mental health, but also enhances the relationship between the owner and the dog, helps the dog to socialize and contacts the society, but also consumes its vigorous physical strength and avoids house demolition. , Sabotage, etc., are important activities that every shit shoveling officer performs on a daily basis.

When it comes to walking, my uncle always emphasizes the importance of towing ropes. The leash is an important tool when walking the dog. For the dog, it is equivalent to the seat belt of the car, and it is the guarantee for the safety of the dog when going out.

In order to be safe when going out for a walk, leashing is essential, so today I will teach you a trick to help you correct the bad habit of dogs that don’t like collars~

Your dog does not like to wear collars, it means that he has already developed a mentality of resistance to collars. At this time, you must not forcibly put a collar on it. This will only get worse. You should attract the dog with snacks and let him get familiar with it. The taste of the collar, and at the same time give it rewards and stroke its head and neck, then slowly put the collar on it, and then give it more advanced rewards.

Be sure to choose a collar that can be fastened quickly, and release it immediately after buckling the collar, repeat the operation, and slowly extend the time of wearing the collar.

Before going out, if the dog is too excited to resist wearing a collar, you can let it sit quietly for a while, and then try to wear it. If it still resists, put the collar back in front of it, and cancel the walk as a countermeasure for the dog. Punish, try again after ten minutes.

After going out, you can add the action steps of "Loosen the rope→Free movement for a while→Recall→Tie the rope→Go on" in a safe place until the dog no longer resists. Note that it must be in a safe environment with no cars and no people to ensure the safety of dogs and others.

Before the last recall, let the dog have fun. Don't go home directly after tying the rope. Turn around for a while before going home.


After returning home, use snacks or play with the owner as a reward to strengthen the conditioned reflex of "tie the rope = good deed".
